In the last post, I listed the principle of direction in how we motivate ourselves. You may have wondered how to know your built-in direction. Think about an unpleasant task - mowing an overgrown lawn or washing a week's worth of dirty dishes by hand - put yourself into the scene as vividly as possible in the moment just before you get started on the task. What thought and feeling do you have in that moment? Do you feel so uncomfortable that you just say something like "let me get this over with," or is it a sense of how good it will look and you will feel when the lawn or kitchen are shining back in their glory? Do this quickly without pondering and you may recognize your pattern.
For Sales Pros: Away from pattern gets moving when the discomfort of NOT making quota becomes strong enough - so rev up that feeling right away to get moving. Toward pattern sees the prize and feels that feeling of achievement right away and motivation is easy. Here's a word of advice for the Away from pattern people - it's easy to lose motivation when you've made a little progress and your discomfort is lessened unless you turn to the Toward pattern's process to keep you moving forward.
For Fitness: Pay attention to your motivational direction and use the same process listed above.
Making significant change in your life can be much easier when you look at your internal programming and work with it to Take Charge -- Get Moving!
Want to know more about how this works? Contact me for a free coaching session.
Love and light,
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