How do you connect with people you meet on the business or career transition path? People often lose valuable opportunities to create new and lasting relationships because they are so busy focusing on what they want that they don't notice what the other person wants. The emphasis is on what they want to say before the other person really wants to listen!
Here are some examples: Do you prefer to start with the big picture or all the details? Do you tend to speak in a fast, energetic style, or are you laid back and studied? The fact is that we each have preferences and a style for communicating ... and we like people who we perceive are mostly like us.
So here's a simple technique to help you be a master at establishing rapport. Pay attention to how the other person tends to behave and speak. Enter into their world and preferences for communicating by matching their patterns. You will find that when you start by establishing rapport, there will be two parties wanting to relate.
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