Monday, February 8, 2010

Clear - Concise - Compelling

What do you really want?
What is your unique value?
Tell me about yourself ...

In the last entry I asserted that everyone is OurSelf-Employed. Success depends on our being able and willing to sell "Product Me" in ways that set us apart from the competition.

In networking situations, business owners and career transitioners usually offer routine descriptions of who they are and  what they are selling or looking for. Here's an example: "I am an insurance adjuster and I sell a-b-c-... and today I am looking for people who are interested in a quote." Or "I am an IT professional with expertise in SQL, Java, etc. looking for a company in this geographical area." Ho Hum ... nothing special, not unique, uninteresting, non-compelling, unexciting ... get my drift?

The human brain looks for patterns that are quickly identifiable so it can put your information into a mental manila file folder, file it under "insurance guy" or "IT gal" and close the drawer. It isn't that the information doesn't register, it just doesn't cause the brain to think about it very much. The effect is that you are just another "x" in the file drawer.

What if you could influence the brain of your target audience to process "Product You" a little longer before filing you as data? What if curiosity were stimulated by the way you describe yourself or your service? The person might be sparked to ask you some questions, learn more, even to have a positive emotional response to you!

The photo here could be described as a glass ball resting on a laser pattern - true. That description is clear and concise, but not very compelling! Take a few minutes and think about how you might stimulate more interest in the photo. Then review your "elevator introduction" and make it more compelling. Make sure that your uniqueness and value show up as beautifully as the photo on this post.

Love and light,

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