Monday, March 29, 2010

Now ... and now .... and now

"In this moment, right here, you can choose once again, no matter how many times you’ve chosen and defaulted, no matter how many times you said you’d do something and you slacked off. All of those are off on the wayside now, because right now you get to choose again. 

In thirty seconds, it’ll be another “right now,” and you get to choose again. And when you’ve messed up all your integrity tonight, you get to choose again tomorrow."    -- John Roger


Life is a series of choices … moment by moment … and that’s where you have your power. You cannot change what is past and the only influence you have on the future is what you choose right now. It is a monumental waste of time to ruminate over the past. 

Take the lessons learned from what happened then and use those lessons in the now to do better. One moment at a time, one day at at time, one action step/project at a time, one call at a time.

What are you choosing right now?

Take Charge – Get Moving!

Love and light,



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