Monday, February 13, 2012

Networking Tip #1

Are you shy? Don't know what to say when you meet new people? Believe it or not, other people may feel the same way when they attend a business networking event. There's a simple trick you can play with your mind to get you into the networking game. What if you took on the role of host or hostess with the assignment of making someone else feel welcome? 
By taking the focus away from your own discomfort and focusing on making someone else feel comfortable, you will find it's easier to say a few simple words to get a conversation started. In fact you may even prepare a few opening lines to get you started.
"Hi. I'm _________. (your name) Have you been to this meeting/event before?" 
"How long have you been a member of this group?" 
"I'm new to this group too - shall we find someone who's been a member for a while to tell us about the meeting?"

Make it a goal to meet and spend a few minutes getting to know at least three people. After the meeting it's important to follow up with an email or call within a few days to tell the person you enjoyed meeting them.Getting to know more about your new contacts (and vice versa) is the real goal of networking.

Will this technique transform a shy person into a superstar networker? Maybe not - but it will help you make the most of each opportunity to build relationships with people you may need to know.

Take Charge - Get Moving!
Love and light,

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