Monday, March 19, 2012

Networking Tip #2 After the meeting

OK, so you went to the meeting or networking event and you collected several business cards. Now what?
Now you can focus on the real power of and purpose of attending networking meetings - building relationships with people you met there.

 First: remember when you accept a business card from someone to make some notes on the back of the card listing the date/event name, additional details,  or interesting info about the person.

Second: schedule a time and to make calls to request an appointment for a one-on-one meeting. It is in this meeting that you get to know each other for real by asking questions - what is their business/career, how did they get started in that business, what are they like as a person. They will be asking the same type questions about you and your business or career. At the end of that 30-60 minute informal conversation both of you will know much better how to help each other connect with potential clients or opportunities.

Third: a most important thing to remember is to stay in touch! Facebook and Linked In are powerful ways to inform people as a group about you and your business. However there is no substitute for a personal email, snail mail card/note, or a quick personal phone call to build that relationship bridge on a strong foundation. Ask an open-ended question to allow the person to talk first. Be prepared with an overview update on your life/activity and any requests you want to make.

There is magic in the one-on-one meeting. People begin to know you, to trust you, and to like you and what you have to offer. When that happens, they are much more likely to think of you when someone else has a need that you can fill AND to tell that person to contact you. It is like having a free marketing force out in the world singing your praises. And it all started with a contact made by Networking.

Take Charge - Get Moving!
Love and light,

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